One Girl and Her Dog


Saturday, July 15, 2006

Aaargh, the heat!

Poor doggy always suffers in this weather, when we went up to Scotland we had to wrap her in a damp towel to cool her down, despite having the air con going full blast in the car or the windows open.

She's so restless, she'll go and lie on her bedding which we put outside in the nice weather, then she'll come indoors and find a cool spot, then go back out and lay in the sun and so on.

She still wants to go out for walks though, but when we take her she's too hot straight away and is always looking for some shade to hide under.


  • At 7:37 am, Blogger hashi-khushi said…

    I did not git it well....are u a starter or an older version of blogger???whatever, I think u should do more with links......try the links-u'll have an idea what it should be!!!take care.....bye

  • At 3:30 pm, Blogger Jen said…

    The heat sucks right now. My two cats spend all their time in the basement where it's cool.


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